Friday, June 23, 2017

23 June 2017 - Finishing the Exceptional Ralph Reunion

Friday was a day at the lake. Jon drove his boat to a large reservoir, north of Celina in a State Park. The water was nice with a beach and lots of picnic tables and grills for barbecue. The Reunion shirt was passed out and pictures were taken. Then lots of water play and boating was offered. A tent was set up with an air conditioner attached for people with infants. The AC was run by electricity provided by a generator. What a fun idea. Some "spike it" games were played in the shaded areas. Grandpa cooked up hamburgers and hot dogs. The day was very hot but the water and the AC and fans made for a tolerable day of family fun.
Hadlie cooling off in the Lake.
Christian on the beach.
Isaac swimming.
Oakley wading.
Samuel with a water gun.
Emeri and Gracie in the water with floating devices.

Shade cover with Elizabeth and Grandpa working on lunch.

Rebekah soaking up the sun.
Susan loves the heat.

Ezra gets lunch early.

Andrew, Liz, Ben, Jessica and Carli

Celebrating the Ralph Reunion 2017
Samuel and Rebekah
Rebekah and Samuel
Hadlie, Juan, Christian and Jessica Salcedo

The Cory Brighton Family

Clockwise: Jarom, Cory, Susan, Josiah and Kimball
with Ellie at their feet.

Joshua, Jenna, Jon, Katelyn Nathan and Gracie
The Jonathan Ralph Family

The Austin Heath Family
Bottom: Andrew, Emeri, Isaac
Top: Ezra, Austin, Oakley, Elizabeth

The Michael Gordon Family
Sarah, Michael and Eric in arms.

Carli and Ben

The Benjamin Ralph Family
Kathleen and Stephen

Without glasses... 
The Happy Faces of the Ralph Clan
That evening was a nice dinner and the blessings of Ezra McRae Heath and Eric Stephen Gordon by their fathers. The Heath side of the family came for the baby blessing which made a very nice crowd. The Gordon extended family listened via cell phone. It was a wonderful event with the blessing of two little angels. Bishop Basilius from the Heath's ward came for the blessings and presided at the event. Dinner followed the blessings with a baked potato bar. After dinner, there was a family history night with stories from our ancestors. Grandpa spoke about his great-great grandfather on the Lindsay side of the family. Others added more history then Juan was MC for a presentation of the newbies in the family. All the sons and daughters in law were celebrated with photos and stories of their lives. Then the kids were put to bed and the adults had a movie night of Beauty and the Beast.
Blessing Day for Eric Stephen Gordon
Blessing Day for Ezra McRae Heath.

Before the blessings

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