Monday, September 14, 2009

These are the six areas of personal and family preparedness as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I would like to touch on each of these areas, giving links, advice, counsel and ideas that might be of benefit to each individual that reads this blog. My hope is that you will learn things that I wish that I had known much earlier in my life and that you can use this information to make better decisions than I have made. Time is a great teacher. Unfortunately, I feel that there is never enough time to learn everything by experience. Why create the wheel again. Let's learn from others and each other also. I would love to get your ideas and opinions on the various topics that will be bought up on this blog. Another purpose of this blog is to stay in touch with the most important people in my life - my FAMILY. I hope that we can learn and grow together.


  1. This is a great idea. I hope we can all contribute and learn from each other.

  2. Thanks mom! Somehow we need to set it up so that it emails out to everyone when you post a blog! I will work on it. Love You!!!

  3. Thanks for the ideas and comments. Keep them coming. I'd like to email people when the posts come up. Let me know if you figure out how.
